Friday, May 31, 2019

What’s a secret to healthy gums that a dentist will never tell you?

here is the secret most, but not all will never tell.
ok, so they are tell you to brush and floss
But, the gums need stimulation. There are a variety of interdental stimulators on the market and if used correctly they will do amazing things for gum health.
my favorite is little wood sticks with a pointed end that you move back and forth between your teeth, otherwise called toothpicks.
They are extremely cheap and extremely effective and maintaining gum health if used as stimulators, massaging back and forth between each tooth. Your gums will bleed at first, but that will soon stop and your dentist will wonder at the improvement.
If that is too cheap and too simple as I said there are all kinds of interdental stimulators sold from cheap to expensive, so pick one you like and massage those gums.
A good expensive one is the water pic, but I found it very messy to work with, although very effective. I will stick with my toothpicks.
Finally if you really want to go natural and cheap;
baking soda and sea salt for toothpaste
hydrogen peroxide for mouthwash
toothpicks for gums.
p.s….I am 70 years old, have all my teeth, and my dentist thinks my gums are great.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

How can we improve dentistry?

An emerging field that improves dentistry is Bio mimetic dentistry. Typically bio mimetic dentistry IS better than traditional dentistry and here are the reasons why: 1) most bio mimetic dentist reduce the need of root canals by at least 75% if not more. That means keeping more teeth alive which leads to less of a need to extract helpless teeth. 2) preservation of tooth structure. With the advances of adhesive dentistry and materials, we are able to reduce the need for full coverage crowns along with unnecessarily removing enamel and dentin for prep designs. 3) elimination of the need to retreat, replace, or redo a composite filling. Traditional dentistry expects a composite filling to last 3–5 years. A Bio mimetic restoration will be more conservative and can last 3x - 5x longer if not more. Each time a tooth needs to be retreated, tooth structure is removed. By doing this less you can preserve what tooth structures you have and therefore increasing the life of the tooth.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Is cosmetic dentistry helpful in smile designing?

A cosmetic dental treatment includes techniques that can restore or improve the appearance of your teeth. Such as it will allow restoring of teeth, improvement imperfections such as dark teeth, unleveled teeth, stained teeth, crooked teeth, worn down or broken teeth and missing teeth.
Cosmetic dental treatments include:
  • Tooth Colored Fillings
  • Porcelain Crowns and Bridges
  • Tooth Whitening
  • Porcelain Veneers
Tooth colored fillings, also called white fillings or dental fillings that can restore and mimic the natural appearance of original tooth structure. In addition to the restoring teeth that are decayed or fractured, shape of teeth cosmetically to change the size, color tooth colored fillings may be used to rectify the problem. This quality is predominantly useful in making teeth appear to be more straight or even, closing the gaps in between the teeth, repairing chipped teeth. In front teeth, tooth colored fillings are generally made up of composite resin and they will repair the dental decay, erosion, abrasion problems with an undetectable end result. In back teeth, tooth colored fillings are usually used to repair the small decay or erosion problems. Tooth color filling material can vary, but they are mainly prepared of synthetic resin, glass particles and a setting ingredient.
Porcelain crowns mainly used to enhance your smile. Porcelain crowns will replace the exterior portion of the tooth to create a natural look or appearance and re–establish its original function. Porcelain crowns are the treatment of your choice in the situations where tooth decay, destroyed or damaged most of the original tooth, when a traumatic incident has caused damage, or in cases of severe or too much enamel erosion. They are also an option for the people who clench and grind their teeth so much so that the original structure of teeth has been compromised. The major benefit to porcelain crowns is that they can not only replicate the original tooth in the function, but can also be designed to look like original tooth or even better.

Bridges are recommended when you're missing one or more teeth. Gaps left by missing teeth centainly cause the remaining teeth to shift or rotate into the empty spaces, resulting in a bad bite. This imbalance caused by the missing teeth may also lead to gum disease and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. Bridges are generally used to replace one or more missing teeth. They cover the space where the teeth are missing. Bridges are cemented to the implants or natural teeth surrounding the empty space.
Tooth whitening is a very successful and effective way to lighten the original color of teeth without removal of any tooth surface. It is the most popular cosmetic dental procedures because it will greatly improve the color of teeth. It is not one-time procedure. It needs to be repeated from time to time to maintain the color. Tooth whitening won’t make total color change of the tooth, but it may lighten the already existing shade. There are many reasons to get your teeth whitened. Everyone is different and how our skin and hair will vary color, so do our teeth. Very few people have brilliant-white color teeth naturally, but in some people teeth will become more discolored as they get older.
Porcelain veneers are the thin pieces shells of medical-grade ceramic, porcelain that are attached to the front surfaces of the teeth for an immediate smile transformation and are used to recreate natural look of the teeth, and they will also provides strength and resilience comparable to natural tooth enamel. It is often the material of choice for those who are looking to change tooth color, shape and size and make slight position alterations. Porcelain veneers are the thin pieces shells of medical-grade ceramic, porcelain that are attached to the front surfaces of the teeth for an immediate smile transformation and are used to recreate natural look of the teeth, and they will also provides strength and resilience comparable to natural tooth enamel. It is often the material of choice for those who are looking to change tooth color, shape and size and make slight position alterations.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The unexpected dangers of gum disease???

Gum disease is common and unpleasant, but, according to a growing body of evidence, it could also play a role in a surprising range of seemingly unrelated health problems.
Plaque — a sticky substance that contains bacteria — builds up on teeth. If it is not brushed away, the bacteria can irritate the gums. The gums may then become swollen, sore, or infected; this is referred to as gingivitis. In general, gum disease can be treated or prevented by maintaining a good oral health regime. However, if it is left to develop, it can result in periodontists, which weakens the supporting structures of the teeth.

Gum disease, which is also called periodontal disease, is widespread. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), almost half of adults in the United States have some degree of gum disease.

The mechanisms behind periodontal disease are relatively well-understood, and newer research shows that this health problem may play a role in the development of a number of other conditions, including Alzheimer's disease, cancer, and respiratory disease.

In this Spotlight, we will cover some of the surprising links between gum disease and disparate health issues.

Monday, May 13, 2019

What dark secret do you wish people knew about dentistry?

That cleaning teeth that haven’t been taken care of (good daily brushing, flossing, regular cleanings etc.) is really difficult for the dental hygienist or dentist. Anything less than a clean mouth is a task of varying amounts of difficulty that requires a lot of skill, practice and wear on our bodies. People that complain about the cost of dentistry have no idea about what the whole thing entails. I advise my patients “if you want to keep your discomfort down & the bill down etc., take care of your teeth on a daily basis’ Its a lot easier to do at home on your own daily then to have someone else remove all the dirt etc later.